10X Your Impact

Use the links on this page to help market to your coaching clients and direct them to where you want them to go.

Your ph360™ 10X landing pages

FOOD focus with Dr Cam (No Purchase)

Website: https://ph360.me/start

Hoplink: http://NICKNAME.ph360me.hop.clickbank.net/?u=ph360.me/start

This is the same page focused on FOOD with Dr. Cam however the Next Step page directs customers to Contact their Coach or Referrer instead of purchasing the product. (You don’t need to use the Clickbank Hoplink here, however, it is sometimes useful in case a client returns to ph360 and purchases anything of their own accord. If that happens within 30 days you will receive the Thank-You payment.)

FOOD focus  (No Purchase)

Website: https://ph360.me/new-start

Hoplink: http://NICKNAME.ph360me.hop.clickbank.net/?u=ph360.me/new-start

This page is focused on Food, with primarily a Diplomat vibe and targeting women 40-55yrs although can be used for all. The Next Step page directs customers to Contact their Coach or Referrer instead of purchasing the product. (You don’t need to use the Clickbank Hoplink here, however, it is sometimes useful in case a client returns to ph360 and purchases anything of their own accord. If that happens within 30 days you will receive the Thank-You payment.)

Product Explainer Videos

You will see these product explainer videos on the websites above but you may also use them in your marketing or for clients in other ways. Simply click and copy the URL for the video you want.