Too many negative ions can be a health hazard. Yup. If your body is sensitive you may
experience a whole host of painful or discomfiting symptoms..!
It’s the same with everything – foods, exercises, relationships – the right ones for you
can be amazing for your health, but get too much of the wrong ones and you’ll start to struggle…
But how much is too much…? Well, it really depends on who you are…
Your body is completely unique – some people may thrive on negative ions and
others may just need to keep a balanced check!
So which are you? If you’re #guardians or a #diplomats then those cool forested
areas full of negative ions can be an ideal health boost… but #activators might not always benefit from the overload…
If you want to find out the most supportive environment for your body –
check out your ph360 profile for everything you need!
#myperfectplace #healthtype #forest #negativeions #healthy #livehealthy